We will be writing poems this month.
Poems that teach us to see through a poet's eyes.
Poems that sing. Poems from the heart.
How do you find a poem?
By following the map
of your heart.
Click in the middle of the screen to see the hearts in more detail and more slowly.
For the last four years, we at Reading Elementary School challenged ourselves to notice acts of kindness all around us and to share these with others by writing them on hearts and posting them in the school lobby around Valentines Day. We also made cards and cookies for the Reading community as a way to share kindness with the world. Throughout this year, watch this space for pictures of our students' work as they reflect on the twin practices of expressing kindness and gratitude. In the meantime, here are links to some wonderful videos by others that might inspire your own acts of kindness.
Josh--Opening Doors and Opening Hearts
24 Incredible Acts of Kindness
1st Graders Shave Head for Friend with Cancer
Ms. Zullo (Wednesday, 03 February 2016 10:53)
These hearts made by the students that show the people, things and ideas that are important to them are just wonderful! I truly enjoyed learning more about each child.