Scholastic Book Order Information

Click the link below to order Scholastic Books for your child.  Although this month's  catalogues are automatically featured, you can also choose books from other months or grade levels by clicking on the "Flyer" button at the top of the page.  If you do not wish to order by credit card, you can send me the order form from the flyers I have sent home with either cash or a check made out to "Scholastic Book Clubs."  Please let me know if you have any questions.
When the books come in, I will send them home with your child.  If you want me to hold them (for instance, if they are gifts), just let me know ahead of time, and I will give you a call when the books arrive.
IMPORTANT:  If you order on line, please send me a quick email or tell me at school.  Scholastic does not let me know when you have ordered, and they won't fulfill the order until I go in and ok it.  Sorry for the inconvenience.