First and second graders are learning about bats, one of the most common mammals on Earth. In the process they are learning about important principles of life science, including how an animal's anatomy and physiology (how its body parts are made and function) help it survive and grow, and how young animals are both alike and different from their parents. Here are a few videos we have watched. Come back soon to see the work the students have done on their own.
The Trailblazers are studying the role of animals in pollinating plants and helping to disperse seeds. Here are a few videos that explore the fascinating world of pollinators.
Once a flower is pollinated and seeds form, the plant must have a way to disperse its seeds so that more of the same plant will grow. Most often this means the seeds need to travel away from the original plant. Wind, water, and animals all help plants disperse their seeds, but some seeds have extraordinary mechanisms to do this like the squirting cucumbers in the video below.
The first and second graders are learning how different kinds of plants disperse their seeds. Here they are testing three different models of seeds from a Chinese river tree, a rainforest vine, and maple trees (whirlybirds!).
Next Generation Science Standard 2-LS2-2: Develop a simple model that mimics the function of an animal in dispersing seeds or pollinating plants.